~To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping~ Chinese Proverb

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Ultrasound Comedy!

A lot has happened since my first ultrasound on June 20th.  I am now almost 12 weeks pregnant (I will be 12 weeks tomorrow!!!).  I have had a couple more ultrasounds with my OB/GYN.  I had one shortly after 8 weeks, all was well.  I had another one this past Tuesday.  At the one on Tuesday, Troy and I were laughing so hard!  Baby A (top baby) was doing flips, jumping jacks, etc.  Baby was waving its arms, kicking its legs, and looked like it was jumping.  It was funny.  Meanwhile, Baby B (bottom baby), was just relaxing.  Guess we know which one will be the hyper one!

Then on Thursday (26th), I had the Nuchal Translucency ultrasound.  This is where they test the risk of your baby having down syndrome or trisomy.  The results came out great, and our risk is almost 1 in 10,000.  We were able to see a lot at this ultrasound.  We even HEARD the heartbeats for the first time!  What an AMAZING experience!  Baby A had a heartbeat of 158 and Baby B had a heartbeat of 167.  Words can't explain it!  The doctor asked us if we had heard the term "movers and shakers" and we said of course we have.  He said, well, your babies are movers and shakers!  It almost looked like they were playing with each other.  Top baby stuck out its tongue, and bottom baby was waving, almost like he/she was taunting baby on top!  It was so neat to see!  They were both moving their arms and legs, and were both extremely active!  It was definitely reassuring to see this, and to hear the heartbeats.  We know our babies are doing well and we can't wait to meet them and see their personalities!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This is our first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 4 days.  You can see the 2 sacs, and 2 babies!  Guess it's double of everything now!  :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Sleepless Night in Laurel.....

Tonight will be another sleepless night for me (and I'm sure Troy too).  Tomorrow morning, at 7:45 we have my first ultrasound.  I will be 6 weeks and 4 days tomorrow.  This ultrasound is HUGE!!!  This is where, if all goes well, we see the fetal heartbeat, where we find out if there are one or two babies....basically, this is the "make it or break it" of our IVF cycle.   It has definitely been a long, difficult, and emotional road!

When I was at Kaiser yesterday getting my IV, the three nurses that were taking care of me all think that everything will be fantastic.....I guess they think that because hyperemesis gravidarum is a good sign that hormone levels are rising appropriately (and apparently it is also an indication of twins/multiples).  That still doesn't settle my nerves.  My nerves won't even begin to settle until I see that monitor tomorrow morning (I don't know if I will be able to look at first.....I think I'm going to wind up turning my head towards Troy and let him tell me....then I'll look).  Once I see good results on the monitor, my nerves will settle a bit, but won't completely be settled until I have a baby (or babies) in my arms!

Anyways,  Troy and I have been waiting for this ultrasound for what seems like forever!  This wait has been harder than the two week wait we endured before I had my blood pregnancy test.  Waiting, waiting, waiting, and more waiting.  That's what my life consists of!  I guess since I've waited and endured 3 and 1/2 years of fertility treatments, I can endure and wait this out! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hyperemesis Gravidarum :(

I just got home not too long ago from spending 2 1/2 hours in Kaiser.  I originally went there because I had a concern about some discharge (gross, I know), and wound up being diagnosed with Hpyeremesis Gravidarum.  I was diagnosed with this because we got to talking about my morning sickness, and how I throw up 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 times a day.  What I thought was normal apparently is not.  So the doctor ordered an IV.  The nurses got me hooked up to an IV and I got a little nap in!  The nurses and doctor were fantastic!  They made me feel so calm and they were so helpful!  We of course got to talking about my fertility journey.....then the subject of work came up.  When I told them the story of how I have been written up at work for missing work due to fertility treatments, they nearly cried and they said it was awful.  They told me forget about them......focus on baby!  And they are absolutely right!  I have to focus on the baby in order to have a healthy baby!  I don't care what they say to me at work, or what they try to do to me at work.  At least now I am protected by the law!  :)

Anyways, once I was released, I was also given a prescription of Zofran to help with the nausea.  I don't really want to take it because although it is proven safe for pregnancy, I am still "worried."  I will just try to stay hydrated....because I sure do feel a lot better when I'm hydrated!

Of course Troy was worried when I told him I needed to go to the OB/GYN.  First thing he said was "what's wrong?"  I had to reassure him that it was nothing bad.  I don't think he was calm until he saw me once he got home from work.  It is so nice to be loved!  :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day.....

Today is Father's Day.  And today I am 6 weeks, 1 day.  Troy has been working overtime on the weekends, and today was the first day he didn't have to work.  He enjoyed sleeping in a bit!  We went and saw my dad today to wish him a happy father's day as well.  I was feeling pretty good for most of the day.   We stopped at Jersey Mike's Sub shop on the way home.  Troy got a cold sub, and I got a chipotle cheese-steak.  Since I was feeling pretty good all day, I thought I would be able to eat it.  Boy was I ever wrong!  I ate it......then it came back up about 40 minutes later.  At least it didn't really hurt coming back up....it actually tasted kind of sweet.  Lol.  I guess that's because there were sweet peppers on the sandwich.  I thought I would at least be able to keep down my Rita's chocolate/vanilla custard.....WRONG!!  Oh well, guess I'll just have to go back to Gatorade and Popsicles.  I got a little too confident I guess.  Maybe one day I'll be able to eat!  :)

I think it's so cute at how Troy is getting more and more excited about this baby!  Not only that, but he's starting to get food cravings.  His latest thing....CAKE!!!  He NEVER eats cake.  He definitely does not have a sweet tooth.  It's kind of strange because the things I LOVE to eat (like cake), are normally the things he hates.  Yet, as we go through the early stages of pregnancy, the things I once loved to eat are the things I can no longer stand.....and they are also the things Troy has quickly taken a liking to!  Strange how things happen!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gatorade and Popsicles

It has come down to Gatorade and Popsicles.  I can't keep ANYTHING down!  It makes it nearly impossible to work, as I spend most of my time running back and forth to the bathroom.  So since I can't seem to keep food down, Troy and I decided that I should just try to keep down liquids.  Hence the Gatorade and Popsicles.  We'll see how this goes.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Morning Sickness (and noon, and night).....

I've been telling myself that I need to keep an extra toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste in my purse so when morning sickness hits, I can freshen up a bit!  Wouldn't you know that I still haven't done that.....and I am at work and could definitely use it right about now.  Just got out of the lovely staff bathroom, puking my guts out.  I haven't really eaten anything that would be too hard on my stomach.  I drank a ginger ale on my way into work and ate some crackers....guess my stomach didn't like what food I did eat.  Now I'm sitting here with a disgusting tasting mouth - even after I have rinsed it out. 

I have food on my desk, and I swear it's just looking at me, giving me the evil eye.  It's taunting me!  Dang morning sickness!  :)

That queasy feeling in my stomach hasn't gone away yet, so I predict another trip to the bathroom at any minute.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Update on Beta # 3

I just got the phone call regarding my beta results.  My number is now at 12,025!  My number increased by 2 1/2 times!  Next step, the ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks.  This is where we check for a heartbeat and to see how many gestational sacs there are!  Exciting!  :)

Re Cap:
Beta # 1 = 2,364 (6/7/12)
Beta # 2 = 4,717 (6/9/12)
Beta # 3 = 12,025 (6/11/12)

Beta # 3

Today I have my beta # 3.  This should be the final beta before I have an ultrasound.  As usual, the nerves are going crazy!  I just keep praying that everything goes well.

Today is also the first day I returned to work.  I've been off for this entire IVF cycle, which has been fantastic!  It's pretty difficult trying to get back into the groove of things.  The day is passing so slowly.  I wish it would go a bit faster!  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to wait for my blood work results?!

My appointment was at 9:45 this morning.  While I was sitting in the waiting room, my stomach started to rumble.  I started to feel queasy.  I obviously didn't get enough food in my belly this morning.  I need to make sure I have breakfast foods readily available at home so I can just grab and go.  So after my appointment, I decided that I needed something to eat....PRONTO!!  I stopped at McDonald's and got a bagel with cream cheese and an orange juice.  That definitely helped!  Now I feel like I am ready for a nap!

I had a new symptom today.....that metal feeling in my mouth.  It sure does taste great (sarcasm!!).  Well, guess it's back to getting some work done!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Beta # 2

Yesterday (June 9th) I had my second beta test (that's just blood work).  They do the betas two days apart, and want to see the number go up at a steady rate (basically double).  My number jumped from 2,364 on Thursday to 4,717 on Saturday.  I will have my third beta tomorrow (Monday).  My numbers should be around 8,000 something. 

I am still incredibly nervous, as I'm sure all newly pregnant women are!  You never know what to expect!  You get extremely worried when you have cramping and queasiness for several days in a row, then one day you don't have any of it.  Apparently that is normal though.  I just need to take the "good" days as just that!  I have been hit with several symptoms already though, and they of course come and go.  One thing that never seems to go away is the bloating!  The bloating seems to be 24/7.  Gas, queasiness, lightheaded (at times), constipation (fun, huh?), swelling, fatigue, extremely tender boobs, etc.  The next 7+ months should be rather interesting if I continue at this rate.  Oh yeah, can't forget being hot!  Last night we went to my brother in laws house.  I was rather warm.  As I was laying on the couch falling asleep....my eyes started to tear up.  I was crying because I was hot.  SERIOUSLY???!!!!  Lol!

Hey, I'm not complaining at all!  I find it to be rather amusing!  I will take every single thing that comes with pregnancy, and will take it with a smile!  I have fought so hard to get to this point....that these symptoms are a walk in the park compared to what I have already endured!  :O